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What is Gold Setting and What Does It Mean?

What is Gold Setting and What Does It Mean?

The concepts of 22, 18, 14 and 8 carat, known as gold carat, are of great importance in terms of choosing the right gold. The question of what is gold carat? is very important for both investors and those who want to have stylish and eye-catching jewelry. In our blog post, you can find detailed information about what is gold carat?, what does the purity level of gold mean, and what does 24 carat gold mean?

What is Gold Carat? Gold carat provides information about the purity level of the gold offered for sale. 24 carat gold refers to completely pure gold. Since 100% pure gold is not found in nature, the purity rate of 24 carat gold can be stated as 999 per thousand. When buying or selling gold, the carat of gold is one of the most important factors affecting the price.

What Does Gold Carat Mean? Gold carat is a term used to express the purity of gold. Carat indicates the gold ratio of the alloy containing gold. 24 carat is determined as the carat of gold found in pure form in nature and the gold ratio is expressed as 24/24. There are different gold carats such as 8, 14, 18, 22 until this carat is reached. 22 carat is expressed as 22/24, 18 carat is expressed as 18/24. The higher the carat of gold, the higher its purity.

What are the Most Common Gold Carats? Gold is the most popular metal used in precious jewelry. The most preferred gold carats are 14, 18, 22 and 24 carats, respectively. Although the popularity and prevalence of gold carats vary from culture to culture, the most common and preferred gold carats in Turkey are 22, 18 and 14.

What is 24 Carat Gold? 24 carat gold is the highest purity gold carat. Rarely used in jewelry and jewelry making because it is very soft, 24 carat gold is usually marked with the number 999. This means that the commodity contains 999 per thousand gold. Since 100% pure gold does not exist in nature, the purest gold that can be purchased is 24 carat.

What is 22 Carat Gold? One of the most preferred gold carats for both jewelry and investment purposes is 22 carat. 22 carat gold has the number 916 on it. 91.6% of the alloy containing 22 carat gold consists of pure gold, while the remaining 8.4% is other metals. It is often preferred to reduce the carat to 22 in order for the gold to be harder and more durable and to be easier to use in jewelry making. Since it has the highest purity level after 24 carat, it is also quite valuable. When 22 carat gold is obtained, copper, because Metals such as silver and nickel are added to the alloy.

What is 21.6 Carat Gold? 21.6 carat gold is generally used in jewelry produced for export. In addition to being more durable, 21 carat gold can be preferred for easier processing and use. 21.6 carat gold, which has a slightly lower purity than 22 carat, is more durable.

What is 18 Carat Gold? 18 carat gold is a type of gold that contains 75% pure gold and 25% other metals. 18 carat gold is often preferred in the production of jewelry that is primarily durable, such as chain necklaces and bracelets. In addition, it finds its place in jewelry designs prepared with precious stones such as diamonds and popular natural stones such as morganite with its quality and beauty.

What is 14 Carat Gold? 14 carat gold contains 58.5% pure gold and 41.5% other metals such as copper, nickel, silver, and zinc. 14 carat gold, which has a lower purity level, is preferred in jewelry designs because it is harder and more durable. 14 carat gold can also be used in jewelry designs where precious stones are used to set the stones on a solid base.

Other Gold Carat Types Although the most commonly used gold carat types are known as 24, 22, 18 and 14, there are also different gold carats such as 21, 9 and 8.

How Does Gold Carat Affect Its Color? Although the carat of gold offered to the market as jewelry or investment goods indicates the degree of purity, the carat can also be associated with the color of gold. 24 carat gold, also known as pure gold, has a bright yellow color. The color of other gold carats other than 24 carat varies depending on the alloy used. This is why concepts such as white gold and pink gold emerge. When pure gold is mixed with metals such as cuff or palladium, it has a color similar to silver, while when gold is mixed with copper, it has a pink color, this color is generally expressed as rose gold. The other metals mixed into the gold and in what proportions they are mixed change the color of the gold. 18 carat gold can be obtained as both silver and rose gold. Pure gold color is only available in 24 carat gold.

How Does Gold Carat Affect Its Hardness? The purest form of gold found in nature, 24 carat, is quite soft and is not usually used in jewelry production. The hardness of gold increases as it is mixed with other metals. As the carat of gold decreases, its durability and formability also increase.

How Does Gold Carat Affect Its Price? The carat of gold determines its purity level. 24 carat gold refers to gold found in its pure form in nature. 22 carat gold contains 91.6% pure gold. When calculating the price of 100 grams of 22 carat gold, either the price of 22 carat gold is looked at or a calculation is made to convert 22 carat gold to 24 carat. 100 grams of 22 carat gold contains 91.6 grams of pure gold and its value is found by multiplying the gram price of pure gold by 91.6.

How Does Gold Karat Affect Its Value? 24 karat is the most valuable and purest form of gold. As the karat of gold decreases, its purity decreases and its value also decreases. Karat is not the only factor that affects the value of gold. Gold prices generally change depending on supply and demand in the market, so market conditions can affect gold prices as well as carat.

Areas of Use of Gold in Different Carats 24 carat gold, or pure gold, is widely used for investment purposes. Pure gold is rarely used in jewelry making. The main reason for this is that pure gold is very soft. However, 24 carat can be used in the design of some very finely crafted jewelry. In addition to its high purity, 22 carat gold is gold that has reached a suitable hardness level for jewelry making thanks to the metals mixed into it. 22 carat gold is used for both investment purposes and for the production of valuable jewelry. 18 carat gold is also frequently used in jewelry making, just like 22 carat gold. 18 carat gold is used especially in jewelry designs where precious stones such as diamonds, emeralds and diamonds are used. 14, 9 and 8 carat gold are preferred in the production of affordable gold jewelry. Designer jewelry manufacturers choose to use low-carat gold to reduce material costs.

How is Gold Carat Measured? Gold carat is usually measured in karat (K), which is known to be used in the valuation of diamonds. The gold ratio under 24 carat, i.e. 24K, is 24/24, the gold percentage is 99.9% and the purity value is 999-1000. The gold ratio under 22 carat, i.e. 22K, is 22/24, the gold percentage is 91.6% and the purity value is 916-917. The gold ratio under 21 carat, i.e. 21K, is 21/24, the gold percentage is 87.5% and the purity value is 875. The gold ratio under 18 carat, i.e. 18K, is 18/24, the gold percentage is 75% and the purity value is 750. The gold ratio under 14 carat, i.e. 14K, is 14/24, the gold percentage is 58.3% and the purity value is 583-585. The gold ratio in 8 carat gold, i.e. 8K gold, is 8/24, the gold percentage is 33.3% and the purity value is 333.

Which Carat Gold is More Suitable for Jewelry? Although 24 carat pure gold is not suitable for jewelry due to its softness, it can be used in some special designs. Although 22 carat is considered the most popular carat in terms of both value and usability, 18, 14 and 8 carats are suitable for jewelry production. When the cost of jewelry is desired to be reduced, 14 carats and below are preferred, while if the value of the jewelry is also desired to attract attention, 18 and 22 carat gold should be preferred.

How to Pay Attention to the Carat When Buying Gold? Paying attention to the carat when buying gold is challenging for those who are not competent in this field. There is a small area on gold jewelry and investment gold that includes a statement about the carat of the gold. In addition to expressions such as 24K, 18K, 22K, numbers such as 999,916,875 can also be used to indicate the carat of the gold. When buying gold, shopping from reliable sellers is the most effective choice in terms of eliminating question marks. Selling certified and serial numbered gold, insuring the products during the purchasing and shipping process, and offering an optional safe service for certain products, Aga Kulche leaves no question marks behind when buying gold, leaving confidence and peace of mind.

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