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Usage Areas of Gold

Usage Areas of Gold

Gold, which is used extensively as a raw material in the investment tools and jewelry sector, is used in many sectors due to its other characteristics.

As the purchasing power of people changes positively, the use of gold in different sector products produced for these customers intensifies. So much so that some products produced in many areas such as food, textile, technology, automotive, which appeal to the upper customer group, are blended with gold and very different innovative products emerge.

Serving gold that has become a dice in the food industry, such as the use of approximately 1.00 g of gold in the processors of today‘s computers, is something we are no longer familiar with.

Again, as an indicator of wealth, the processing of household goods, kitchenware, automobiles, offices, hotels, airplanes with gold or the use of gold in their production has become commonplace.

It may be possible to list the main gold-using sectors as follows:

    Investment products (gold bullion, coins and coins)
    Jewelry industry (gold and diamond products)
    IT industry (computer etc.)
    Food industry (in food and beverages)
    construction industry
    Coating (automotive, weapon, etc.)
    Electrical and electronics industry
    Aerospace industry
    Gold Juice
    Ornaments and accessories